Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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Text File
265 lines
; $PROJECT: FList v2.11 - (c) S.Gillibrand 1997
(working "\nFList v2.11 - © Digital Design ® 1994-1997")
(complete 0)
(message "\n\n"
"-+- Digital Design Production 1997 -+-\n\n"
" The author doesn't in any way endorse\n"
" the unlawful use of CON: windows...\n\n"
"-+- Digital Design Production 1997 -+-"
(run "type flist.txt >CON://640//<*> Digital Dreams Amiga 44-1772-454995 <*>/CLOSE/WAIT")
(message "\n\n"
"-+- Digital Design Production 1997 -+-\n\n"
" This installer gives you the option\n"
" to edit your config files for ease of use\n\n"
"-+- Digital Design Production 1997 -+-"
(complete 3)
(message "\n\n"
"-+- Digital Design Production 1997 -+-\n\n"
" Please Note: FList expects to find a FILE:\n"
" assign pointing to your filebase dir/volume\n"
" e.g. Assign FILE: BBS:Files/FileBase\n\n"
"-+- Digital Design Production 1997 -+-"
(complete 5)
(set rexxdir
(prompt "Where is your BBS Rexx Directory located?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "BBS:Rexx")
(complete 10)
(set docsdir
(prompt "Where is your BBS Docs Directory located?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "BBS:Docs")
(complete 15)
(set bindir
(prompt "Where is your BBS Bin Directory located?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "BBS:Bin")
(complete 20)
(set cfgdir
(prompt "Where is your BBS Configs Directory located?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "BBS:Configs")
(complete 25)
(set txtdir
(prompt "Where is your BBS Text Directory located?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "BBS:Text")
(complete 30)
(copyfiles (source "rexx") (dest (rexxdir)) (all))
(copyfiles (source "docs") (dest (docsdir)) (all))
(copyfiles (source "bin") (dest (bindir)) (all))
(copyfiles (source "configs") (dest (cfgdir)) (all))
(copyfiles (source "text") (dest (txtdir)) (all))
(complete 50)
(message "\n\n Now take a >GOOD< look at the docs please =)")
(run "c/guide docs/flist.guide")
(complete 55)
(message "Please edit File.Rx to include an entry for FList:\n\n"
"F FList 10 -------- FList.Trans"
"\n\n ** OR **\n\n"
"F FList 10 -------- FListLoad.Trans\n"
"\nIf you have a slower machine (e.g. A500/A600/<14mhz)\n\n"
"You MAY also include lines for REMARKING and CDROM\n\n"
"! Remark Files 10 -------- FListRemark.Trans\n"
"Z CDRom Subsystem 10 -------- FListCD.Trans\n"
(set edline
(prompt "\nPlease Enter Command Line To Execute\n")
(help "")
(default "ced BBS:Configs/file.rx")
(run edline)
(message "Please edit Download.Trans to include an entry for FList:\n\n"
"call 'bbs:rexx/FListDelMrk.Trans\n"
(set edline
(prompt "\nPlease Enter Command Line To Execute\n")
(help "")
(default "ced BBS:rexx/download.trans")
(run edline)
(message "Please edit Logon.Trans to include an entry for FList:\n\n"
"call 'bbs:rexx/FListChkMrk.Trans\n"
(set edline
(prompt "\nPlease Enter Command Line To Execute\n")
(help "")
(default "ced BBS:rexx/logon.trans")
(run edline)
(complete 60)
(message "\n\n Please edit File.Cmds to remove entry for\n"
"standard TransAmiga filelister:\n\n"
". List Files 256 --------"
(set edline
(prompt "\nPlease Enter Command Line To Execute\n")
(help "")
(default "ced BBS:Configs/file.cmds")
(run edline)
(complete 65)
(message "\n\n Please edit FList.Cfg and alter the\n"
"variables to suite your needs:\n\n"
"Read the [FList.Cfg File] tag in the AmigaGuide\n"
"documentation file for more information\n"
(set edline
(prompt "\nPlease Enter Command Line To Execute\n")
(help "")
(default "ced BBS:Configs/FList.Cfg")
(run edline)
(complete 70)
(message "\n\n Please edit FList.TRS to suite your needs\n\n"
"The purpose of this file is the contents are\n"
"placed at the top of the script that gets\n"
"executed when using the [Z] option to CLI operate\n"
"on a file."
(set edline
(prompt "\nPlease Enter Command Line To Execute\n")
(help "")
(default "ced BBS:Configs/FList.TRS")
(run edline)
(complete 75)
(message "\n\n Now edit your File.Cfg and find an area\n"
"ALL users have READ&DOWNLOAD Access to,\n\n"
"Remember the path of this area and change it to\n"
"FLIST:, save the File.Cfg file and exit.\n"
(set edline
(prompt "\nPlease Enter Command Line To Execute\n")
(help "")
(default "ced BBS:Configs/File.Cfg")
(run edline)
(complete 80)
(set origpath
(prompt "\nPlease Choose The Path Of The\n"
" Area You Just Altered:")
(help "")
(default "File:")
(complete 85)
(startup "FList - (c) S.Gillibrand 1997 - Digital Design"
(help "")
(prompt "An assignment has to be added to your user-startup.")
(command "Assign FLIST: \"" origpath "\"")
(complete 90)
(makeassign "FLIST" origpath)
(message "\n"
"Now the IceArc distribution will be extracted...\n"
"Please use the IceArc installation straight away!\n"
(set edline
(prompt "\nPlease Enter Command Line To Execute\n")
(help "")
(default "lha x bonus/IceArc150.lha ram:")
(run edline)
(complete 100)
(message "\n\n"
"-+- Digital Design Production 1997 -+-\n\n"
" FList v2.11 is now installed!\n"
" Be sure to enjoy =)\n\n"
"-+- Digital Design Production 1997 -+-"
(exit (quiet))